I can't say what Christmas TV was like anywhere else in the world, but I can say what it was like in Australia. In fact, it's probably better that I don't say anything about it at all, other than the best thing we watched over the entire Christmas break was Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade from our DVD collection.
As readers of my blog post on the first Indy film will know, I am a massive admirer of this franchise with the obvious exception of the fourth film. I know some have done revisionist reviews of Crystal Skull and written about how it has aged better than expected, but I have not watched the movie since its original release in the cinema back in 2008 so I can't comment on that. I can say that I was not very impressed with it at the time, with my complaints being those made by most people - the CGI, the aliens and so on. I read a review recently which came at it from a new angle and blamed not only these things but also Harrison Ford himself. As I recall, Ford didn't come up too often for a panning at the time of the film's release so it was interesting seeing this new critique in which it was claimed Ford's heart wasn't in the movie and it showed, etc.
I'll leave that to you to decide, but what cannot be debated is the greatness of The Last Crusade. As motion pictures go, this one has it all - excellent pacing, brilliant action sequences, a gripping plot, a great final act and all wrapped up in a first-class script. Despite all this, what really sets the film on fire for me is the interplay between Harrison Ford and his on-screen father Sean Connery. One moment funny, the other poignant, this relationship carried the film effortlessly, and I suspect it's what they were going for in Crystal Skull with Indy and his son, but as with Australian television, the less said about that the better.
Another aspect that makes this film so good for me is Julian Glover's portrayal of Walter Donovan, the man who sets Indy on his way at the start of the movie and turns out to be a traitor working with the Nazis in order to secure the Holy Grail. I was going to give a spoiler alert there, but then I remembered the film is nearly 30 years old so I guess that ship has already sailed. This alongside the two loathsome Nazis, General Vogel (Michael Byrne) and Elsa Schneider (Alison Doody) is the best team of baddies in the franchise so far.
When I think about putting an old film like this on, there's always a brief moment when I think "Nah - I just know it too well" but when a movie like this starts, its magic just draws you in and the next thing you know Indy's riding into the sunset and the credits are rolling. From the brilliant Venice scene, to the Airship, to the fantastic final sequence, this timeless adventure film is an all-time classic that deserves two hours of anyone's time and we can only hope Spielberg draws from this and not Crystal Skull for Indiana Jones #5 which is due on the big screen in 2020.
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